第一章 讀詩:體驗和解讀/Reading Poetry𓀙🔣:Experience and Interpretation Poems for further reading 第二章 遣詞和造句/Diction and Syntax Poems for further reading 第三章 意象/Imagery Poems for further reading 第四章 明喻、暗喻、擬人和換喻/Simile Metaphor,Personification and Metonymy Poems for further reading 第五章 象征和寓言/Symbol and Allegory Poems for further reading 第六章 悖論、反諷💊、誇張和輕描/Paradox,Irony,Overstatement and UnderstatementPoems for further reading 第七章 用典/Allusion Poems for further reading 第八章 意義、思想和主題/Meaning Idea and Theme Poems for further reading 第九章 說話者和語氣/Speaker and Tone Poems for further reading 第十章 音韻手法/Musical Devices Poems for further reading 第十一章 節奏與格律/Rhythm and Meter Poems for further reading 第十二章 聲音與意義/Sound and Sense Poems for further reading 第十三章 種類🏏、形式和體式/Types Forms and Patterns Poems for further reading 第十四章 劣詩、好詩和妙詩/Poor,Good and Great Poetry Poems for further reading 簡明術語表/A Concise Glossary 參考書目