











1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research background of the present study
1.3 Research objective and outline of the book

2 The Pragmatic and Acquisitional Perspectives
on L2 Pragmatics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 A pragmatic perspective
2.3 Other indexes of L2 pragmatic development
2.4 A second language acquisitional perspective-influence of L2 grammatical competence
2.5 Summary

3 Research Design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research questions
3.3 Procedures of data collection and transcription
3.4 Data analysis
3.5 Summary

4 Developmental Pattern of Chinese Children
EFL Learners Performance of CAs
4.1 Introduction
4.2 General measures of chinese Children EFL learners pragmatic competence
4.3 Repertoire of social interchanges engaged in by children
4.4 Repertoire of speech acts engaged in by children
4.5 English pragmatic flexibility of children
4.6 Summary

5 Developmental Characteristics of Chinese Children EFL Learners Performance of CAs
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Examination of CA at the social interchange level across the four grades
5.3 Examination of CA at the speech act level across the four grades
5.4 Examination of CA at the social interchange-speech act combination level across the four grades
5.5 Summary

6 Other Indexes of Chinese Children EFL Learners Pragmatic Development
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Strategies used by Chinese children EFL learners in performing the speech acts of request and apology
6.3 Formulaic speech in childrens utterances
6.4 Summary

7 The Factor Influencing 1-2 Pragmatic DeveloPment of Chinese Children EFL Learners
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The effect of L2 grammatical competence on L2 pragmatic development at the interchange level
7.3 The influence of L2 grammatical competence on L2 pragmatic development at the speech act level
7.4 The effect of L2 grammatical competence on L2 pragmatic development at the combination level
7.5 Summary

8 Conclusion and Implications
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Conclusion
8.3 Implications
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